Monday, 23 November 2015
Gangster Granny
Me and my class have been reading a book called Gangster Granny. But this is not about her it is about her grandson Ben. At the start of the book Ben is a very quiet boy and he was a bit neglected from his mum and dad for their love for their favorite show Strictly Stars Dancing. The things that Ben loves are well one thing the magazine Plumbing Weekly but Ben also hates a lot of things too . If you want to find them things out read the book Gangster Granny. If you do read the book you will also find out how big of a character Ben becomes. At the start of the book his fun factor is as small as an ant, as it gets deeper in to the book his fun factor grows into a giant. 
what i'll bring to E.O.T.C week
I'LL BRING P.E GEAR AND A BAG FULL OF LUNCH AND I'LL BRING SWIMMING TOGS. ALSo Bananas and frozen strawberries for the mini master chief. And i’ll probably bring a note pad and a camera.
Thursday, 5 November 2015
The population of new Zealand is 4.471 million people. And a great dish for kiwis is a lovely roast lamb to some Butterflied green lipped mussels. And the national dance for new Zealand is the dance of war in aether words it is the Haka if you watched the rugby in the weekend the all black primed the Haka agents Australia it was a tough game but the boys in black still puled it off. here is some faces about new Zealand New Zealand is located in the south-western Pacific Ocean and features two main islands the North Island and the South Island as well as other smaller ones.Other smaller islands include Stewart Island, Waiheke Island Chatham Island Great Barrier Island and more although many are uninhabited.The capital city of New Zealand is Wellington while the largest city is Auckland. The population of New Zealand was estimated to be around 4.5 million at the start of 2013.The official spoken languages of New Zealand are English and Te roe Maori with English being the most widely used.
Wednesday, 23 September 2015
Term 3 Reflection
Hi Lucas here and will I be sharing with you my Term 3 highlights. One was going snowboarding because I was there with most of my friends and it was also a great experience for the school too. My other highlight was meeting a new friend named Conavar- he makes me laugh. My challenge was when I kept getting sick because I was falling behind in my work. Next term I am looking forward to working more with the Year 7's.
Tuesday, 15 September 2015
WE have been learning about how we come to know God through Jesus Christ.In the bible story some of Jesus disciples seen something on the water at first they thought it was a ghost but then a voice came it was Jesus one of the disciples said you are truly the son of God Jesus said if you believe in me come to me one of the disciples got out of the bot and was whacking on the water and then stared to sink because they were not believing in God. 
Monday, 24 August 2015
Me and my friend Danny have been inspired by African art to make our own here is a picture of our success. The Africans used bright colour such as yellow light blue e.ct. it was hard to make, A drawer it and Danny did the patterns. So we made a pretty good team. We got the patterns of me and a You Tube video . A few people in my class put some hair on the people so we did it too. I liked it because it's simple and it doesn't require that much skill either and it's also fun.

Sunday, 23 August 2015
This photo makes me sad because the rich kid has all a kid could won’t and he still wants more and more and more. And the pore one of 150,000,000 kids that live on the street as happy as can be. the pore kids heart is filled of love and joy and rich boy's heart is filled with stuff rich people stuff. but the pore boys heart is not only filled with love and joy it is but it is also filled with god's love and joy to.
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Wednesday, 19 August 2015
Why We Should Have Dogs at School.
I think that we should have a dog in the classroom because if you are feeling blue a dog can put colour into your day. And also for the little people they can read to a non judgmental friend. A dog at school would make school more fun and they make the classroom more calm and happy.
Here are the guidelines we came up with for having a dog at school:
1.( we will still work hard even though there is a dog in the classroom)
2.(we will treat the dog with respect )
3.(remember she is an animal, she can’t always understand us)
4.(we won’t shout- dogs have sensitive ears)
5.(we will not chase the dog- we can pat her at the right times)
6.(respect the dog’s space- if she wants to rest- let her)
Wednesday, 12 August 2015
Numbness fills my body as I seek the finish line victory is almost mine.I race to the finish line losing my breath but I keep on running. the numbness is taking over my body but now there's only one more thing standing in my way and that the finish line. as I cross the finish line I collapsed in a pillow of joy and relief that I have over taken the great and powerful cross country.
Thursday, 23 July 2015
Wishes to be the richest of the rich.
Dreams of a life of adventure and challenge.
wonders what it wold be like to be less fortunate.
Wants to be the world’s greatest car collector.
Fears horror games and movies full of terror and gore.
Is afraid of dying before his time.
Likes living a life of fun and play.
Believes in God.
Loves his family.
Plans to be big in the world.
Wednesday, 22 July 2015
When we got up the great mountain we escaped the bus and we went to the to get some boots and a snowboard and we were off. I had one before everyone else and then I had my first lesson. The lesson was about breaking after the lesson we all had lunch and after lunch we had free time to snowboard. It was so fun the scariest thing was going up and down the mountain in a 44 seater bus. But I still can't wait until next week.
Wednesday, 1 July 2015
Learning about Area and Perimeter
We have been learning about area and perimeter in maths. To do this we designed our dream bedrooms and measured area and perimeter to scale. The total perimeter of my bedroom was 58m, and the total area was 201m2. Here is my plan drawn to scale.
Tuesday, 30 June 2015
This is a graph for science showing the viscosity with Oobleck. How long it takes to harden. The corn flower was the best to harden the viscosity of the Oobleck.
The Twits by Roald Dahl
Chapter Summaries
Chapter 1:
Mr Twit is one of those hairy faced men that is fat, grumpy hairy, and old- well you know what I mean.
Chapter 2:
Mr Twits beard is one of the most disgusting things that I have ever seen. It's filled with food like corn flakes, stilton cheese and even tinned sardines- and worst of all- that food has gone rotten!
Mrs Twit
I think Mrs Twit is uglier than Mr Twit. I think she has more hair than him too. She gets uglier each year, and is the ugliest person on earth- if she was real. She has a glass eye that always points the other way.
The Glass Eye
Mrs Twit pranks Mr Twit and says she has eyes watching him all over the house. She puts her glass eye in hisglass of beer and in the last drip he sees the glass eye. He jumps and Mrs Twit yells out, “I told you I have eyes watching you!”
The Frog
Mr Twit pranked Mrs Twit back for the glass eye incident. He stole a frog from the lake and at night he slipped the frog down Mrs Twit’s sheets. It crawled up and went on her face. She screamed and yelled at Mr Twit to kill it.
The Wormy Spaghetti
Mrs Twit got Mr Twit back for pranking her with the frog. She went to the garden and collected some worms. She put them in Mr Twit’s spaghetti. She covered them in tomato sauce and then Mr Twit asked why his spaghetti was wiggly and Mrs Twit said it was the newest sort of spaghetti. When he finished it all she told him that he was eating worms. The look on his face was really funny.
The Funny Walking Stick
Mr Twit pranks Mrs Twit back again for making him eat worms. He went out and got a stick from the forest, the same length as her walking stick. Each night he cut off a bit of the stick and glued it onto the bottom of her stick. She thought the stick was growing, but Mr Twit said that she was shrinking.
Mrs Twit has the Shrinks
Mr Twit continues to prank Mrs Twit by adding bits of wood to the bottom of Mrs Twits chair. Mr Twit tells Mrs Twit she has the shrinks and says she has 10 - 11 days until she completely shrinks and she ends up as a bundle of old clothes and a pair of shoes. Mr Twit tells her there’s only one cure for the shrinks and it is getting stretched.
Mrs Twit Gets a Stretching
Mr Twit leads Mrs Twit to the back yard and then he has a thing on the ground that has string attached to it. He ties balloons to her hair and hand. He asks if she is stretching and she says yes. Then he gets scissors and chops the bottom rope. She goes up into the sky.
Mrs Twit Goes Ballooning Up
Mrs Twit goes up and up and Mr Twit pretends to help her. Mrs Twit looks up and sees the balloons and he said those balloons in the sky look marvellous. Mr Twit is excited because he thinks that she is gone for ever.
Mrs Twit Goes Ballooning Down
Mrs Twit bites through some of the strings that are attached to the balloons and very slowly floats down.
Mr Twit Gets a Horrid Shock
Mrs Twit comes back down and she yells at him, “Here I come you grizzly old grunion!” and she lands on him.
The House the Tree and the Monkey Cage
There is a picture of Mr and Mrs Twit’s house and garden of weeds and their prized possession- their dead tree.
Hang Tight Sticky Glue
Mr Twit is a good hunter but a dirty one. His method is to cover the dead tree in super glue and when the birds land on the branches they get stuck. The next morning Mr Twit goes to the tree and kills the birds and takes them to Mrs Twit to make his bird pie.
Four Sticky Little Boys
The next day Mr Twit got out of bed to go and get the birds for the pie BUT there were four little boys stuck in the tree. They all got scared because they thought that Mr Twit was going to bully them, so they took their pants off and ran off.
The Great Upside Down Monkey Circus
Mr and Mrs Twit had both worked in a circus as monkey trainers. The monkeys could do back flips and all sorts of tricks but they weren't just any sort of monkey, they were upside down monkeys.
The Roly-Poly Bird To The Rescue
The Roly-Poly bird came to the rescue. It was on holiday and it saw its old friends- the upside down monkeys. The monkeys told the Roly-Poly bird to worn the other birds not to land on the tree.
No Bird Pie For Mr Twit
When Mr Twit went to get the birds there were none on the tree, they were all on the monkey cage. They all sat there and laughed at him.
Still No Bird Pie For Mr Twit
Mr Twit covered the monkey cage in super glue but the roly-poly bird child around the sky spreading the word about Mr Twit and the new glue trick.
Mr and Mr Twit Go Off To Buy Guns
Mr Twit has a idea to go and buy a gun so he could get birds for his bird pie.
Muggle-Wump Has an Idea
Mr and Mrs Twit are out so Muggle-Wump calls the Roly-Poly bird to get the key for the monkey cage so they could escape. When the monkeys escape they go in the house and get buckets and fill them with super sticky glue.
The Great Glue Painting Begins
The Roly-Poly bird calls all the other birds to help with the sneaky operation.
The Carpet Goes on the Ceiling
Muggle-Wump was running around like a mad umpalumpa yelling to peel the rug. It would have been hard with all the tables and chairs on it.
The Furniture Goes Up
Every monkey and the birds all worked together and they pulled it off. It was hard for them because they had to put all the things in the right place. After that the Roly-Poly bird went to watch out for Mr and Mrs Twit.
The Ravens Swoop Over
The Roly-Poly bird swoops back to the house yelling to the other birds and monkeys that Mr and Mrs Twit were coming back to the house. The birds got back on the roof and the monkeys got back in their cage. When Mr and Mrs Twit came back to the house, two cheeky birds swoop over the two heads and yell, “Paint brush!” and the other birds drop some glue on the Twits heads.
The Twits Are Turned Upside Down
The Twits walked into the house and as they walked into the living room Mr Twit said, “We are upside down, look up!”
The Monkey Escape
The Roly-Poly bird said to Muggle-Wump that they could live with him and they would like the house so they might stay with him.
The Twits Get the Shins / the last chapter
Mrs Twit yelled “I'm going to be stuck here forever!” Then Mr Twit said, “You might but I won’t!” He tried and tried but the ugly couple were stuck there forever- until one day Mr Twit’s head began to shrink and then the same thing happened to Mrs Twit until there was nothing but some old pairs of shoes and some old clothing.
I think that this book was funny and yuck because of the pictures.
Sunday, 14 June 2015
In my weekend i went to josh’s party my favourite part was smashing the the creeper it was a pinata after the party i went to Williams house for the night it was so fun we had food, and we went on the xbox with my friends.
Monday, 8 June 2015
Wednesday, 3 June 2015
Our New Rat
Our New Rat
Our class pets are Spaghetti and Eddy. Spaghetti is our new rat. We all love him.
Miss Huls went to Timaru on Saturday to get Spaghetti. Spaghetti looks the size of an ant compared with Eddy, with a stripe of white down his chest. Our other rat Eddy thinks of him as a new brother, not only that, a new friend. I think of him as the cutest class pet on Earth.
Monday, 25 May 2015
A Day in the Life of a Teacher
"Another day in the inferno," I say as I fly into the class.
I roar, "SHUSH!"
This class is going down in flames! So is my face, as red as a tomato.
The children all stare at me in shock. I roar at them to sit down and do their work.
Beep beep beep beep!
PHEW! It was just a nightmare!

Wednesday, 1 April 2015
Tuesday, 24 March 2015
My Prediction for "Sugar"
For Sugar, life is anything but sweet. Sugar is a 10 year old girl who works in a sugar plantation is the state of Mississippi. I predict that Sugar will create peace with the Chinese and the African-Americans.

Monday, 23 March 2015
Monday, 16 March 2015
I was in Africa on safari, looking at the lions, when one of them walked over to the car.
Suddenly, the lion opened the door! It’s eyes were looking at me like I was it’s dinner! chomp the golden monster takes a bite of me aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!Phew! It was just a dream!
"Run, Boy, Run"
“Run, Boy, Run”
By Urli Orlev Srulik Frydman was a regular eight year old boy until the Nazis invaded Poland.
In the book, Srulik had been taken hostage by heaps of people because he was Jewish,
He stayed with four to five different families and in those there was always a person that kept his true identity safe.
Srulik lost the most important people in his life through WWII. He also lost his arm through an accident, his beloved dog Azor, and two gangs of orphan boys who helped him survive. I think Srulik was a brave, strong young character that never gave up no matter what happened. MY FIRST TWO WEEKS IN THE SENIOR HUB
My first two weeks in the Senior Hub was a bit scary because we are working with the seniors this year.
It was also cool because we got to meet five new people in our class. This year I am looking forward to improving a lot more in my learning.
My first two weeks in the Senior Hub was a bit scary because we are working with the seniors this year.
It was also cool because we got to meet five new people in our class. This year I am looking forward to improving a lot more in my learning.
St Dominic is the Patron Saint of astronomy. He was born in Castile, Spain. He was the founder of the Dominican Sisters. He was a member of the Guzman family.
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